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Group Therapy


Current Group Offerings & Descriptions

The Stewart Center has a full lineup of both individual and group therapy for the 2022-2023 school year. If you want to learn more or to register your child,  email us or call 713-973-1842

Sibling Group

Group therapy for children with a sibling(s) with special needs. This is a process group, and we will utilize activities that promote support and understanding.


Anxiety Group

Group therapy sessions are categorized by appropriate age and level of ability. Sessions will work on broadening self-awareness around anxiety and learning how to better cope with anxiety.


Caregiver Group

Group sessions are for parents and guardians of children with special needs. This is a process group where we can learn, share, and evolve to better support our children and each other.


Self-Care + Mindfulness

Group sessions will be categorized by appropriate age and level of ability. We will learn and practice self-care and mindfulness in a group setting.


Stress Management + Coping Skills Group 

Group sessions will be categorized by appropriate age and level of ability. We will learn the triggers of stressful situations and how and why we react to them. We will also practice and build on coping skills.


Social Skills Group

Group therapy sessions are informed by the Social Thinking ® curriculum. Therapy is focused on collaborative play, shared space, cooperation and negotiation, emotional management, and executive functioning. Groups include discussion, role-playing, and engaging in social activities such as conversation, playing games, and perspective-taking.


Speech, Language, and Tabletop Games

Group sessions are led by a licensed speech therapist and utilize a natural approach to improve conversational skills between peers using gameplay. Sessions also work to improve social skills, nurture self-confidence, expand problem-solving abilities, and improve conflict resolution.


Lego Club: A Social Skills Group

Group sessions focus on social interaction and the development of age-appropriate peer relationships. By working together, participants experience collaboration, shared goals, joint accomplishment, social communication, and mutual respect.


Girls' Skill Building + Social Group 

Group sessions for girls to develop and practice positive social interactions together. Activities will be geared toward empowerment, building self-esteem, and self-awareness.


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